About TheMadAdmin

About Me

Hey there! I’m David Finnerty, but you might know me better as TheMadAdmin. I’m a cyber security aficionado with a knack for turning complex tech lingo into something even your grandma would understand. Currently on an epic quest to protect the digital realms from all things sinister, I’m diving deep into the world of Cyber Security at Thomas Edison State University.

My Journey

With years of experience under my belt, I’ve tackled everything from IT infrastructure to cloud technologies. I’ve led teams, managed vendors, and strategized like a general planning for battle. My roles have been varied, but one thing has remained constant: my passion for keeping data safe and systems running smoothly.

What I Do

  • Infrastructure Engineering & Cloud Technologies: From servers to storage, I’ve been the go-to guy for all things tech. If it has a plug or a cloud icon, I’ve probably fixed, optimized, or upgraded it.
  • Cyber Security: My current playground. I’m all about finding the sneaky threats before they find you. Think of me as your digital bodyguard, minus the sunglasses and earpiece.

Fun Facts

  • Starfield Enthusiast: When I’m not fighting off cyber threats, I’m exploring the universe in Starfield. Building O2 shot farms is my idea of a good time, and I get my weekly dose of tips from my friend Richard’s Starfield Essentials videos.
  • Tech Whisperer: I have this uncanny ability to make tech issues disappear like magic. Whether it’s a stubborn server or a cloud hiccup, I’m your guy.
  • Forever Learning: Even with all my experience, I believe there’s always something new to learn. That’s why I’m back in school, soaking up knowledge and sharing my corporate world wisdom with the next generation.

Get in Touch

Whether you need a tech problem solved, want to chat about the latest in cyber security, or just need some tips for your next Starfield adventure, feel free to reach out. You can find me on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/davidfinnerty

Stay safe, stay curious, and remember: in the digital world, TheMadAdmin is always on guard.